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Database Model

The database model still needs some streamlining. There are open GitHub issues for that.

The model currently contains the following entities:

  • Manuscript:
    The physical, text-bearing object. Can be a full manuscript or a fragment.
  • Catalogue Entry:
    A description of a Manuscript in a catalogue. There can be multiple Catalogue Entries describing a single Manuscript, which may just be in different languages, vary in their extent, or even have contradicting information.
  • Person:
    A person that is connected in one or another way to a Manuscript or Catalogue Entry.
  • Text:
    A text, as contained by a manuscript.
  • Group:
    A user defined grouping of Manuscripts, People or Texts.
    Groups are used to save and combine search results, in order to display the results together.

Entity Relationship Diagram

    Manuscript {
        string manuscript_id PK
        string shelfmark
        integer catalogue_entries
        string catalogue_ids
        string catalogue_filenames
        string title
        string description
        string date_string
        integer terminus_post_quem
        string termini_post_quos
        integer terminus_ante-quem
        string termini_ante_quos
        integer date_mean
        float date_standard_deviation
        string support
        integer folio
        string height
        string width
        string extent
        string origin
        string creator
        string country
        string settlement
        string repository
    CatalogueEntry {
        string catalogue_id PK
        string shelfmark
        string manuscript_id
        string catalogue_filename
        string title
        string description
        string date_string
        integer terminus_post_quem
        integer terminus_ante-quem
        integer date_mean
        integer dating_range
        string support
        integer folio
        string height
        string width
        string extent
        string origin
        string creator
        string country
        string settlement
        string repository
    Person {
        string pers_id PK
        string first_name
        string last_name
    Text {
        string text_id PK
    Group {
        UUID group_id
        enum group_type "ManuscriptGroup, TextGroup, PersonGroup"
        string name
        sting date
        string items
    CatalogueEntry }|--o{ Person : "mentions"
    Manuscript }|--o{ Person : "is related to"
    CatalogueEntry }|--o{ Text : "mentions"
    Manuscript }|--o{ Text : "is related to"

Where string values represent a list of values, those values are concatenated with |. In the future, these relationships will be modelled as one-to-many relationships in the database.