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Usage Overview

What to find on Sammlung Toole?

The application presents an optic on manuscript data from, which is openly available on GitHub. It allows for slightly different search queries, and for direct comparison of manuscripts by presenting their metadata in tabular form; it even provides some data visualization.
None of the data from have been modified or altered manually, however some data have been aggregated and extracted automatically: Most notably so, the catalogue entries in multiple languages are unified, in hope to provide the most complete metadata possible.

Where to find Sammlung Toole?

Currently, no public server is available. For access to the super secret internal server, please get in touch with us.

Alternatively, you can run the tool locally on your computer, by following these instructions.

How to use Sammlung Toole?

Once you have access to the tool (be that on a server or locally), simply open the URL in your browser.

On normal screen sizes, you will see the navigation bar on the left side on the page.

Navigation Bar Fig.: Page Navigation

If you don't see the navigation bar, there is a chance it's just collapsed/hidden. Look out for a little arrow on the very left edge of the screen.

On small screens, especially on mobile devices, the layout may look slightly different. You will find your way around it, no doubt.

In the navigation bar, you can simply select a page, and the application will take you there. You can familiarize yourself with the available data on the Browse page, search the data on the Search page and store, combine or visualize search results on the Groups page.

When you have a set of manuscripts that interests you, the app will provide you with metadata on these manuscripts for further investigation, that can then be downloaded as a CSV spreadsheet for later use. The application will even provide you with some visualizations of the data out of the box.