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Browse Data

To get an impression of the data loaded by the tool, you can visit the Browse Data page.

Here you will find information on the number of manuscripts, texts and people in our database, as well as seeing a list of all entries. Note that those lists are not designed to be human readable; if you are looking for something particular you may want to check the Search page.

Browse Data Page Fig.: Browse Data Page - List of all Manuscripts

The database contains roughly 13.800 unique manuscripts, 31.000 text titles and 11.000 people.

Note that a precise count of manuscripts of any collection is hard to give, as it is up to scholarly debate, what makes up a singular unit of a manuscript, fragment, etc. (And even more so the notion of a "text"!)
Even though we strife to implement all algorithms of our tools based on informed decisions, we merely aggregate existing data in a quantitative manner. Any of the data presented here should be understood as the starting point for scholarly debate rather than scientific consent. For a quotable version of the data, you should always refer back to the original catalogue data on

While the data on Handrit may contain multiple entries for a single manuscript in different languages, we have attempted to unify these entries in order to provide the most complete metadata possible.
"Texts" have been treated as the literal string provided in the data; no attempt to unify these are being made as of yet. This means that different spellings or a name in different languages will be treated as separate "texts" here.